143rd Street East Extension
With the milder weather this week, work resumed on the culvert at the West Norman Drain and 143rd Street bridge piers. Next week, weather permitting, the contractor will continue work on the culvert at the West Norman Drain, the 143rd Street bridge piers and foundation, as well as excavation between IL 126 and Plainfield/Naperville Road. Project website.
143 East 013125
143rd Street West Extension
This week, the contractor completed the concrete foundations for the streetlighting improvements and began installing the underground electrical conduit. The street name signs have also been installed at the Ridge Road/143rd Street intersection. Next week, the contractor will continue installing the underground electrical conduit for the streetlighting improvements. Project website.
143 West 013125
River Restoration Project
The contractor, RES, completed Swale No. 5 this week. They installed natural outcropping stone as part of the stormwater conveyance improvements and native seed and blanket. RES then moved upstream and completed grading the west bank at the north end of the project as well as the installation of dormant native seed and blanket along the riverbank. RES will be working on Swales 1-4 next week. Project website.
River Restoration 013125
DuPage River Trail
This week, the Forest Preserve District of Will County took the first steps toward implementing a new segment of the DuPage River Trail by closing Book Road between 127th Street and 119th Street. The road will be converted to a trail this summer as the initial phase of a broader, multi-year, $5.6-million effort to provide an additional loop trail, parking access, and habitat restoration on the 300 acres of land owned by the Forest Preserve District, along the west bank of the DuPage River, adjacent to Book Road. More information.
Forest Preserve Book Road Context Map
Coffee with the Mayor
Bring your questions for the Village and join Mayor Argoudelis for coffee and conversation on Wednesday, February 12, at 9 a.m., at the Village Hall, 24401 W. Lockport Street.
Meeting Information
The Village Board has a meeting on February 3; click here to view the agenda.
All Village Meetings are streamed live on the Village website (click In Progress when available) and broadcast on Comcast Channel 6 and AT&T Channel 99.

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