Published on 7 December 2024 at 11:20

By Jack Flowers  Drop Your Comments Below 

Well, the election is over, and the Nation now braces for a new Direction under President Trump only the 2nd President to win a second term after losing in his reflection. So why did he win, and the Democrats lose? That will be a debate to the important people to decide however the fact at hand is that with the new Administration will have unchecked power of the US Government and that means he basically will be rewriting how Democracy will Run. So far, we see through his Cabinet Appointments the new Administration intends to roll back safeguards in the Health Care Industry, Defund the local Public School System, Rewrite the tax code to benefit the top 10 percent, argue against wage increase, and compromise International Peace Treaties all well attaining this through misdirection and unchecked facts. As a young man in his 20’s for me Democracy is a value and privilege that needs to be earned but also has to be guaranteed. We can not take this for granted and four years ago several Americans did not agree with the outcome and chose to for the first time since the Civil War marched on the capital and tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power. This gave fuel and discussion to allowing the former President to control the American Conversation and twist the nation into division. The Democrats fueled this with their focus on brining those to justice. Were they wrong no they were not but what they forgot was to focus on the record and govern the American People and focus on exercising true Democracy. The Republicans are at fault to with all the crazy antics that in the short term allowed them this window to govern. Taking away a woman’s right to choose and doing away with healthcare thus costing 60 million Americans the right to basic health care is a sin. So how can we learn from history and try to find the value of comprise and respect for one another.
When we look at history and the American Presidency we see names like Kennedy, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Ronald Reagon, and in recent times President Obama and George Bush as the standard barriers of the Democracy. Men who showed leadership and focused on governing their time in office to make the case are we a Democracy or a Republic one thing that they all had in common was a deep-rooted respect the American Process. Reagon worked with Tip Oneill to pass sweeping change in how we educate our children a Democrat and Republican working together for the good of the nation. Obama worked with his counter parts to pass budgets and laws that kept America going after the Economic Collapse in 2008. Even President Bush saw the handwriting on the wall at the end of his 2nd term and saw America was a brink of our Economy collapsing and worked with Speaker Pelosi to ensure that the safeguards that were installed by FDR during the Depression would protect America. President Teddy Roosevelt a republican for protecting workers and supported progressive reform in breaking down the Anti-Trust System and Establishing the National Forestry that protects the treasures of our national forest.
The moral of the story is through our disagreement and our differing opinions we have always had the ability to get together during a time of change or discourse and work together as a nation to address the needs of the few. Thomas Paine said the wants of the few shall not outweigh the needs of the many. So, America we have a job to do and that is support the transfer of power through peaceful means hear what our newly elected President will give us on his agenda in the first 100 days. Once all the facts are in we as a nation need to review the facts and weigh this against our my cherished document the American Constitution and then once we do this we must decide if we support or we will not support this new Road for America. So, the value of discussion and respect need to be restored to the American Discussion and the focus on holding our leaders accountable in both parties is a must. However, the Freedom that we call our American rights is must be earned and Americans need to commit themselves once again to Public and Community service and work to preserve our granted Right of Freedom.

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